The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer
Little, Brown, 2010
192 pages
Date completed: July 5, 2010
But I won't get into that. The purpose of this post is to review the novella, not discuss my beefs with Twilight. So here goes; I'll make it short.
Bree Tanner is, at least, a more interesting character than Bella in that she can think for herself. Although eventually she becomes infatuated with a vampire named Diego (and ultimately dies because she tries to save him from destruction), she starts off as an intelligent being. Her story is mostly interesting, and it opens up a few unknown plotlines from the regular Twilight series. Otherwise, there isn't much to say. Meyer's horrible grasp of the English language prevails, and the novella will probably just fade out of my memory soon, since it had basically no impact on me. The ending was clear throughout the entire novella: Bree dies. Basically, this just follows a short time before her death, and not much happens of significance. The end.
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