Arthur A. Levine, 2008
111 pages
Date completed: November 17, 2009
I could hardly dislike anything from the Harry Potter series, so therefore, it's safe to assume that I enjoyed this little collection of wizarding tales. Much like fairy tales in the "Muggle" world, these stories are the ones told to children before bedtime in the wizarding world.
Because I just finished rereading the entire Harry Potter series, this was a great way to end it. One of these tales plays a huge role in Deathly Hallows, so it was nice to be able to reread it and also read commentary from the perspective of Albus Dumbledore.
It's kind of a sad moment for me, though. I am now completely done with the Harry Potter books, which I first started reading at the age of 11 (the very same age at which Harry Potter receives his letter from Hogwarts). It's been such an amazing experience growing up with Harry, and now I've finally closed the final final book. I never read Beedle when it was first published because I had already basically forgotten the plot of the Deathly Hallows by the time of Beedle's release, so I wanted to wait to reread it. So it's been sitting on my bookshelf for eleven lonely months, but at last it's finished. Not to be melodramatic. I'll never get too old for Harry Potter.
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